I've had a few people e-mail me wondering why they can't purchase Secrets of a Webcam Girl on Amazon. I had originally self-published the book with fairly good sales and then decided to seek a publisher. I signed a contract with Skyhorse Publishing for both electronic and print North American rights (I retained my U.K. rights). After signing the contract I had to take down Secrets from Amazon and Lulu.com, but the book should be available in the Spring 2013.
I'm excited to see the book distributed in print with a new cover and some actual marketing promotion. Since I signed, Skyhorse has been able to sell the Australian rights to Secrets of a Webcam Girl, so it will be distributed there as well. So, unless you live in the U.K., you'll have to wait until Spring 2013. If you do live in the U.K., Secrets can be purchased electronically on Amazon.
In terms of why I took down the blog, Secrets of a Webcam Girl, well that's a story worth an entirely new book.